In compliance with the FTC ruling that bloggers must disclose if they are being compensated for their posts, the following is my full disclosure statement, effective immediately.
In accordance with the new FTC Published Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials for bloggers, I am submitting this statement for all visitors of my blog. The reviews are my personal opinions of any and/or all books read and any/or all products reviewed or offered as a promotional giveaway. I do not accept any monetary compensation for books and/or products that I review or promote, these books/products are provided to me for free. I will as of this date and in the future, inform my readers/visitors as to which items I am reviewing at the request of author, publisher and/or advertiser. In addition to the above, I also post reviews of books/products that I have purchased for my personal enjoyment. If you have any questions regarding this statement, please feel free to contact me.
This blog is written and edited by me, Kathleen Brundige, a.k.a. GimpyKatK and Aunt Kathy. Its purpose is to inform readers of books and merchandise available to them that hopefully will provide great service and enjoyment.
As a Christian woman I can be counted on to be up front, honest and considerate in all my reviews and comments. Even if a book or product was not enjoyed by me, I will do my best to promote the positives (there is always a positive) as well as the negative. I believe it is always best to look for the good in everyone first and celebrate that, more than the not so good parts.
That being said, I'm way to grounded to be influenced by any form of compensation. I will always give my honest opinion of each book or product I review, and I only affiliate with companies that I believe provide quality products for my readers. As mentioned earlier I do not accept any monetary compensation for books and/or products that I review and/or promote at the request of an author, publisher and/or product advertiser, however, these books/products are provided to me for free so I can share my findings and opnions with you.
If you have any questions about this blog or my reviews, feel free to email me at gimpykatk [at] aol [dot] com
Freely You Have Received, Freely Give. Matthew 10:8 God has blessed me not because I deserve it but because I asked & He loves me. So I want to share the blessings with all of you by having product giveaways, free just for the asking (aka entering) provided by manufacturers and/or myself, and links to other sites where you can enter to receive free stuff. Salvation is free and so is everything on this blog. All you need to do is ASK.